Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The new ETS

Prime Minister John Key expressed optimism today that
with hard work and co-operation by all concerned parties,
an Evasions Trading Scheme could be in place by the end
of the year.

Though much remains to be negotiated, the Government
is promising that under the proposed scheme, all major
sectors of industry and agriculture will be able to evade
their responsibilities in a responsible fashion.

The long-term aim is to keep New Zealand not only a few
steps behind its trading partners but backing away at the
same time.

‘This government didn’t get where it is today by facing up
to things,’ Mr Key told a media conference. ‘I don’t think
we could look ourselves in the eye if we, um, did.’

Evasions will be allowed up to a cap, beyond which even
bigger evasions can be traded for credits, according to the
evader-evades principle by means of which evaders can
evade in proportion to their evasion-generating capacity.

‘It’s our job as parliamentarianians to uphold the core
principle of evadability,” said Mr Key. ‘New Zealanderses
would expect no less.’

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For a critique of "The new ETS" I suggest people listen to the person who vacated your Radio New Zealand chair about half and hour before you arrived on Tuesday. Rod Oram. http://www.radionz.co.nz/audio/national/ntn/2009/09/01/business