Thursday, September 4, 2008


Owen Glenn is coming to New Zealand! Be still, my beating
heart! With what joy this news will be received by
struggling families, laid-off workers, truant kids, crime
victims, investors who’ve had their savings wiped out! Quite
rightly, the imminent return of the expatriate billionaire, as
we have come affectionately to know him, is the main
headline in all news bulletins today. The importance of it
cannot be overstated. If Parliament’s privileges committee
can get things sorted out with Glenn, this country will once
again be on the road to prosperity, and the threat of global
warming will, in my view, fade away almost overnight.
Thank God we’ve got our priorities right at last.

1 comment:

Steve Withers said...

Glenn's track record of big-noting manipulations (documented by Russell Brown in the past week or so) makes Glenn a less than credible witness on these matters.

That the Herlad and DomPost (apparently) ignore these inconsistencies and place grea weight on what the man has to say is interesting all by itself. More evidence we need to look again a the concentration of media ownership in New Zealand.