Monday, August 11, 2008

Darkness revisited

I'm pleased to hear that the New Zealand director Martin
Campbell is working on a film called Edge of Darkness,
based on the British television series that had many of us
glued to our couches once a week for six weeks in 1986.
Campbell himself directed that series—it was his first big
break—so this is clearly a pet project for him. The series,
a political thriller about a nuclear waste cover-up, remains
one of the finest I have ever seen on television. I see
Robert de Niro is being touted for the part of the renegade
CIA operative Darius Jedburgh played so memorably in
the series by Joe Don Baker; that seems right enough, but
I'll need to be persuaded that Mel Gibson could be
anywhere near as good as Bob Peck was in playing the
obsessed hero. Speaking of first-rate TV series, Mad Men
on Prime has become required Sunday-night viewing.
Watch it if only to understand where feminism came from
(in case you'd forgotten).

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